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Writer's pictureTyler Williams

How to Know When It’s Time to Hire a Copywriter (Hint: It’s Probably Sooner Than You Think)

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard

As a business owner, you’ve already mastered the art of juggling tasks: CEO in the morning, accountant by lunch, and IT support by 3 p.m. But if your writing efforts feel more like a balancing act than a smooth

operation, it might be time to ask for help.

Copywriting is a powerful tool—when done right. So how do you know when it’s time to hand over the reins to a pro? Here are some clear signs that you’re ready to bring in a copywriter to sharpen your messaging and free up your schedule.

1. Writing Feels Like a Chore (And You’ve Got a Million Other Things to Do)

Gif of a man and his friends where the man says "Well... back to chorin'"

You’re great at a lot of things. Writing might not be one of them, and that's okay! If you’re spending way too much time fiddling with every little word—or worse, putting off writing altogether—it’s a sign you’re not enjoying the process and it might be time to ask for help.

Signs it’s time:
  • You’re using a thesaurus more than you’re using your phone.

  • Every time you sit down to write, you start questioning life choices.

  • Your website copy has been “almost done” for weeks.

A copywriter can take the pressure off your shoulders, letting you focus on what you do best—running your business. If this sounds like you, I want to help you. Let's chat.

2. Your Copy Sounds Like a Robot Wrote It

You want your business to come across as approachable, maybe even a little fun, but your copy? It’s sounding like it was written by an overly formal chatbot. If your words aren’t reflecting your brand’s personality, a copywriter can step in and bring that much-needed spark.

If this sounds familiar:
  • Your tone is stiff, and you’re accidentally sounding more corporate than you intended.

  • You’ve overused industry jargon, and it shows.

  • You know what you want to say but can’t seem to get it out in a way that doesn’t feel bland.

The good news? You're in the right place: I can help you infuse your brand with personality through killer copy. Let’s talk about giving your messaging the refresh it deserves.

3. You’re Not Sure What to Say (Or How to Say It)

You know your business inside and out, but when it comes time to write about it, the words don’t flow. Maybe you’ve rewritten your homepage so many times that you’ve lost count. Maybe your social media posts feel more like stabs in the dark than strategic messaging. You feel like you're cosplaying as a marketer and copywriter when you'd rather focus on the parts of your business you're actually passionate about.

Signs you need a copywriter:
  • You’re not sure how to communicate what makes your business unique.

  • Your website feels disjointed, like it was written by multiple people (because it probably was).

  • You’re thissssss close to pulling a "copy your friend's homework, but change a few words so the teacher won't notice" move with your competitors site's (I hope it goes without saying, but this is a terrible idea).

A professional copywriter can step in and help you find the right words to clearly communicate your value and connect with your audience.

4. You’re Prepping for a Launch (And It Needs to Be Flawless)

Whether you’re rolling out a new product, service, or website, your launch copy is critical. First impressions matter, and your words need to be on point. A copywriter can help craft polished, persuasive copy that ensures your launch is as smooth as possible.

Maybe this is you:
  • Your launch day is approaching, and your messaging still feels rushed or incomplete.

  • You’ve got the product, but your sales page is still a work in progress.

  • Your email campaigns are missing that special “something” to drive conversions.

With a well-executed copywriting strategy, you can make sure your launch goes off without a hitch.

5. You're Getting Site Traffic, But When it Comes to Conversions... Crickets

Gif of Stanley from The Office saying "Sales is not hard. Here's what I do: I make my pitch, then stare. You want me to stop? Buy something."

Your website’s getting visitors, but they’re not converting into leads or sales. That could mean your copy isn’t doing its job. Good copy doesn’t just inform—it persuades. If your conversion rates are stagnant, hiring a copywriter might be the key to unlocking the results you’re looking for.

Things to watch out for:
  • Your call-to-action buttons are collecting dust because no one’s clicking them.

  • You’re getting traffic, but not a single inquiry or purchase.

  • Your messaging doesn’t seem to be motivating anyone to take action.

If you’re nodding along, let’s connect. Get in touch and we’ll work on turning that traffic into results.

6. Your Brand Voice Is All Over the Place

One day you’re quirky and fun. The next, you’re straight-laced and formal. Consistency is key when building a brand, and if your messaging is all over the map, it’s going to confuse your audience. A copywriter can help you nail down a voice that’s not only consistent but uniquely yours.

Does this sound like you?
  • Your website sounds formal, but your social media is casual—and neither feels quite right.

  • You’re not sure how to express your brand’s personality in writing.

  • Your tone changes depending on your mood (hey, it happens!).

It’s time to find a voice that sticks. Let’s talk about crafting a consistent, authentic voice that represents your brand.

So, Is It Time to Hire a Copywriter?

If any of these scenarios hit a little too close to home, it's probably time to pass the baton.

Ready to get started? Let's discuss how I can help your business thrive.

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